Where All Are Welcome!
What You Can Expect:
You will be welcomed by a Christian family, loved as a child of God, and accepted just as you are.
You will find small, vibrant, mission-minded congregation, the only Evangelical Lutheran Church in Robeson county.
You will experience us reach out to the community in many ways as we witness and work.
You will want to get to know us better and join us in our mission.
Join us:
Sunday mornings at:
9:30A for Sunday School & Adult Bible Class
10:30A for Worship followed by fellowship.
Monday mornings at 9:00A for Prayer at the Labyrinth followed by fellowship.
Wednesday evenings during Lent, March 12 - April 9 we join with Trinity Episcopal at their church and parish hall at:
5:15P for a Healing Eucharist Service
6:00P for a Lenten Supper & Devotional -- first we enjoy a light meal then study the week's Bread of Life lesson.
Other than during Lent and Advent, Wednesday evenings 6:00P for our Recharge Book Club.
mornings at 10:30A for our Growing Faith Book Club.
evenings at 6:00P for our Be Still Meditation on the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 5th Thursdays of each month.
You're always welcome at St. Mark's Lutheran Church!
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church Land Acknowledgement
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, Lumberton, North Carolina acknowledges that the land where we gather is the ancestral homeland of several First Nation tribes, notably the Lumbee, who were stewards of this land for many generations. God has entrusted us with the continued stewardship of this land as we honor them, their ancestors and descendants, respectfully acknowledging their traditions and teachings.