Bible Study

Come Join Our Bible Study
clip art image of a Bible

Adult Class



We are using Cokesbury's quarterly series "Adult Bible Studies"

The Winter Quarter topic is "Following Jesus" by Laura Wittman.  

Free resources, including a weekly newsletter, that align with the Bible study are available at: Adult Bible Studies.

To ensure we have enough participants books, please indicate your interest by emailing:

Text on mottled purple background: LENT, prayer, fasting, almsgiving
Text: Devotions Wednesday. Image overlaid with line drawing of closed Bible.

Beginning Wednesday, March 12, 6P and continuing to Wednesday, April 9 we will join Trinity Episcopal, Lumberton in their Parish Hall for a weekly meal and the meditation: "Bread of Life".

Members of St. Mark's will lead a discussion of "Bread of Life" while members of Trinity will share their hospitality by providing a meal of soup and sandwiches.

Links to the devotional materials for study in advance of each session will be available soon. 

March 12: Bread of Life, John 6:25–40 (I Am the Bread of Life)

March 19: Bread for Growth, Luke 13:18–21 (Parable of the Yeast)

March 26: Bread for Each Day, Matthew 6:9–13 (The Lord's Prayer)

April 2: Bread for Sharing, Luke 14:7-14 (Parable of the Great Banquet)

April 9: Bread for Community, Luke 19:1–10 (Dinner with Zacchaeus)

stained glass image a heads of wheat with text: Bread of Life

Thursdays, March 13 — April 10

7 to 8P, via Zoom

The NC Synod of the ECLA's Bishop Tim Smith will offer an online Bible study on the book of Revelation during Lent via Zoom.

Don’t miss this opportunity to study Revelation with other Lutherans across the synod.

Click HERE to register today!

Bible Book Clubs

Join us each week as we study books
that help us deepen our spiritual understanding.

10:30A - 12 Noon
Fellowship Hall

We are studying A Hidden Wholeness: The Journey Toward an Undivided Life – Welcoming the Soul and Weaving Community in a Wounded World by Parker J. Palmer

A Hidden Wholeness: The Journey Toward an Undivided Life discusses: 

For more information or to express your interest  in joining the group, please contact Kathy Dickason,

On hiatus during Lent and Easter until late April.

We'll be announcing our new book as the time to resume draws closer.

We study books that help us to deepen our faith and how to put it into action in ministry to our community and the world.

clip art image of Bible with words: Daily Lectionary

Transfiguration  Sunday, March 2

Exodus 34:29-35  •  Psalm 99  •  2 Corinthians 3:12-4:2  •  Luke 9:28-36, (37-43a)

March 3 – 8

Monday, March 3: Psalm 35:11-28; Exodus 35:1-29; Acts 10:9-23a;

Tuesday, March 4: Psalm 35:11-28; Ezekiel 1:1; 2:1; Acts 10:23b-33;

Ash Wednesday, March 5

Joel 2:1-2, 12-17  •  Psalm 51:1-17  •  2 Corinthians 5:20b-6:10  •  Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21

Thursday, March 6: Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16; Exodus 5:10-23; Acts 7:30-34;

Friday, March 7: Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16; Exodus 6:1-13; Acts 7:35-42;

Saturday, March 8: Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16; Ecclesiastes 3:1-8; John 12:27-36;9

First Sunday in Lent, March 9

Deuteronomy 26:1-11  •  Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16  •  Romans 10:8b-13  •  Luke 4:1-13