Upcoming Events
Wednesdays in Lent: March 12 — April 9
First, we join with Trinity Episcopal, Lumberton for a Holy Eucharist and Healing Service before the devotionals.
The service is held in the Trinity Episcopal, Lumberton sanctuary, 1202 North Chestnut St.
6P to 8P
Then we will join with Trinity Episcopal, Lumberton in their Parish Hall for a weekly meal and the meditation: "Bread of Life".
For full information click either image or HERE.
Even if you can't come for the service, do join us for the meal and devotional.
Thursdays in Lent, March 13 — April 10
7 to 8P, via Zoom
The NC Synod of the ECLA's Bishop Tim Smith will offer an online Bible study on the book of Revelation during Lent via Zoom.
Don’t miss this opportunity to study Revelation with other Lutherans across the synod.
Click HERE to register today!
Next Meeting:
March 15, 10A
We'll meet at 219 N. Elm.
We will conduct our regular business meeting and our monthly Bible study.
Contact Sandra Britt, sanlumber@aol.com, for more information.
NC Women of the ELCA
Spring Retreat
Friday, March 28 -
Sunday, March 30
The NC Women of the ELCA will hold their Spring Retreat, "Make a Joyful Noise: a Weekend of Worship, Music, and Dance," March 28-30 at the Coastal Retreat Center in Isle of Palms, SC.
Deadline for registering is March 1, though scholarship requests must be made by February 10.
For full information and registration form click HERE.
Repeating Events
10:30A - 12 Noon
Fellowship Hall
We are studying A Hidden Wholeness: The Journey Toward an Undivided Life – Welcoming the Soul and Weaving Community in a Wounded World by Parker J. Palmer
A Hidden Wholeness: The Journey Toward an Undivided Life discusses:
How can we bring courage and renewal our communities or institutions.
What it means to live an undivided life, one where our inner truth can find expression and value in our outer lives, despite the pressures we may face?
The conditions necessary to create “circles of trust,” based on the principles and practices that can help us embrace nonviolence in everyday life.
For more information or to express your interest in joining the group, please contact Kathy Dickason, katsam1964@gmail.com.
1st, 2nd, 4th, & 5th
Thursdays, 6P,
Be Still Meditation Group
A meditation group for those interested in cultivating their meditation practice.
As a group our time together will be spent sharing our prayer life and concerns, participating in a guided meditation, sitting in silence, and sharing our thoughts and insights on God in our lives.
All are welcome; no experience is necessary. We will all learn and grow in our knowledge together.
Contact Deb Rosenberg, s.a.m@stmarkslnc.org for more information.
“Be still and know that I am God”
— Psalm 46:10
On hiatus during Lent and Easter until late April.
We'll be announcing our new book as the time to resume draws closer.
We study books that help us to deepen our faith and how to put it into action in ministry to our community and the world.
A sweet will be proved to enjoy.
Past Events
Bold Women's Sunday
March 2, 2025
This Sunday, we celebrate women. Bold Women’s Day celebrates Lutheran women who have, or who currently are acting boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ.
The sermon this week will be brought by guest speaker Re. Ruth Ann Sipe, co-director of Lutheran Disaster Relief Carolinas. Women of the ELCA will lead the service. A reception wil follow the service.
Bold women are a part of our faith’s genealogy: the woman at the well, the persistent widow, the women at the tomb, and those certain women who supported Jesus and the disciples.
On this day we honor or remember bold women from our community and the bold women in our midst, who act boldly on their faith.
The women of St. Mark’s lead boldly in many capacities. Our bold women work tirelessly for the good of our church, giving the glory to God in all we do.
Bold women are not all bold in the same way. Whether speaking out against injustice or holding the hand of a friends who is in pain, boldness is all about living out our baptismal call, about being a disciple of Christ.
Lutheran theology empowers us to take risks. Our ability to act boldly is rooted in our baptism and continually enabled, empowered and sup-ported by God’s grace.
March is Women’s History Month, which provides an opportunity to pause and reflect on the contributions women have made to our nation over time. And Bold Women’s Day commemorates Lutheran women who have acted or are acting boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ through prayer, service, advocacy, hospitality and other ways.
“Whether we live out our bold story of faith in the workplace, family home or community, our faith compels us to make a difference in the lives of others,” says Linda Post Bushkofsky, executive director of Women of the ELCA. “It’s all about living out our baptismal call, about being a disciple of Christ.”
The women of St. Mark’s are the lifeblood of our church. Women serve in leadership positions of all kinds. Women lead worship. Women head committees. Women plan events. Our women are active in the community, and state and conference levels of the Women of the ELCA.