God's Love knows NO BOUNDS nor BARRIERS!
ALL are called to be His children.
Through His Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, God WELCOMES ALL!
St. Mark's & the ELCA hold this at our very core, WELCOMING ALL who seek the Lord.
Join us each Sunday to worship He who created us, sustains us, and calls us His own.
In our services we use a wide variety of sources drawing on many worship traditions to guide our worship, including several different hymnals.
Worship follows a formal liturgy drawing upon a rich history of liturgical worship.
Our bulletins contain the entire service: liturgy, hymns, and Bible readings so there is no need to "juggle" anything.
There'll be lots of singing: the Lutheran Church long having been known as "The Singing Church." Martin Luther, founder of the Lutheran Church, was also a noted hymn writer. His most famous hymn, "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God", is considered by many to be the anthem of the Lutheran Church. Whether you sing on or off key matters not; just raise your voice in praise.
After Service Fellowship
Join us each Sunday after service in our Fellowship Hall for fellowship over coffee (a Lutheran staple), other beverages, and "goodies" (there goes the diet!).
Worship Committee Meeting
10A, Saturday, 25 January
Please join us for this meeting to plan our Lenten and Easter worship program.
Contact Julie A., worship@stmarkslnc.org for more information.
Please help enhance our worship by serving on the Worship Team or by sponsoring the Altar Flowers or the bulletins for a Sunday.
Click on the buttons below to access the sign-up forms.