Empty Plate
Food Ministry
The Empty Plate food ministry provides a care package of packaged foods needing no refrigeration sufficient for a day of simple meals. Canned soup is also available.
Please contact the church office for more information.
Anyone who sews is invited to join this group which sews various items for those in need.
Contact Deb Rosenberg, s.a.m@stmarklnc.org, for more information.
Sewing Group
RCCCC is God's people at work together,
reaching out in love to meet our neighbors' needs in the name of Christ!
Food Pantry: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM; CLOSED on THURSDAY for restocking.
Medical Supplies: Our durable medical supply closet includes wheelchairs, rollators, shower chairs, bedside commodes, hospital beds, canes, hoyer-lifts, and more.
Rent/Utility Assistance: We are able to provide help, up to once each year per household, with the direct payment of a rent or utility bill.
Health Clinics: We facilitate medical, dental and vaccine clinics to the public at no cost to the individual and close the gaps of care in rural NC.
Diaper Bank: We provide diapers, wipes and vital supplies to parents in need through our Diaper Bank operation, as well as adult incontinent supplies such as bed pads and feminine hygiene supplies.
Brighter Christmas: Families in Robeson We make Christmas brighter for these families in need by establishing a temporary store filled with toys, coats and various supplies for children ages 2-12.
School Supply Giveaway: Each fall we provide school supplies for up to 500 K-4 students in the Public Schools of Robeson County.
Ruth Mercer Musselwhite Mobile Assistance Unit: Takes our work to the most remote towns across the county offering access to all of our on-site services to those with transportation barriers.
The Robeson County Disaster Recovery Coalition, Inc [RCDRC] is Robeson County's official Long-Term Recovery Organization that provides Disaster Case Management Services, a unique and innovative emergency response and recovery support capability that enables us to provide relevant resources and services throughout the disaster and recovery cycle.
RCDRC's fiscal agent is Church World Service (CWS), a "faith-based organization transforming communities around the globe through just and sustainable responses to hunger, poverty, displacement and disaster."
Their mission is to work collaboratively and collectively to develop, coordinate, manage, and deliver recovery services for individual and families affected by natural or man-made disaster in Robeson County.
RCDRC is the key point of contact and member of Robeson County's official Long-term Recovery Group [LTRG] and our core function and purpose focuses on:
Providing Disaster Case Management Services and referrals for individuals and families directly impacted by man-made and natural disasters;
Working collectively with diverse local, county, regional, state, and federal stakeholders in collaboration with our community to develop and nurture multi-dimensional preparedness, response, recovery initiatives;
Identifying unmet needs and opportunities that promote sustainability, long-term recovery and community resilience.
Developing a cooperative environment that encourages individuals, families, schools, faith-based organizations, community-based organizations, small businesses, and the entire community to be proactively engaged in the long-term recovery and renewal process.
Lutheran Disaster Response shares God’s hope, healing and renewal with people whose lives have been disrupted by disasters in the United States and around the world.
The ministry of LDR Carolinas has been funded by a grant from Lutheran Disaster Response to provide local faces and voices for this vital ministry.
Grounded in faith, we are focused on helping individuals and congregations prepare for disaster and on building a network of resources across North and South Carolina to respond when disasters occur.
We are reminded many places in scripture that we can trust in God in any situation:
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change,
though the mountains shake in the heart of the sea,
though its waters roar and foam,
though the mountains tremble with its tumult.
—Psalm 46:1-3
Lutheran Services Carolinas (LSC) is a faith-based health and human services organization serving seniors, children and families, and refugees in North and South Carolina. Learn more about Lutheran Services Carolinas and how they can help through their website. theran Service Carolinas