VBS 2024:

Fun Was ‘Afoot’

for Kids, Helpers

Happy are the feet of those who share God’s message, and also the feet of those who deliver free lemonade to a neighbor! 

“If the neighborhood didn’t  know we are here before, they sure do now!” said Christian Education director and VBS coordinator Sheila Cabral following Saturday’s Vacation Bible School event, themed “Happy Are the Feet of the Messenger.” 

Seven excited young folks participated in games, a Bible lesson from Cooper and his new friend Jasmine, music, and a craft. They enjoyed a hot dog lunch with homemade ice cream and all the fixings, then participated in a service project to finish up the day. 

The free lemonade stand drew neighbors and a few passers-by, drawn in by the enthusiasm of the kids’ calling out “Ice cold lemonade! Free lemonade!”  After a somewhat slow start, business picked up and about 20 cups of lemonade found their way to thirsty drivers and walkers. 

“They were so excited when people stopped,” Robert Arndt observed. “It was hard to keep them from running out to the cars.  But they did a great job and worked together to fix the cups and serve the ‘customers.’ It was nice to see them excited and enthusiastic about doing something nice for our neighbors.”

That was the whole point of the lemonade stand: to teach the kids, in a fun way, about service. 

Check back late spring, 2025, for information for our 2025 VBS.