A Special Place

for Children

Cooper, with help from Miss Julie, gives our Children's Sermons on Sundays when children attend.

Image of a stuffed toy dog, white body with brown floppy ears, tail and eye patch wearing a red collar.

A Very “Cooper” Advent:
Week 4 - Love

Sing Praises to God!

I just love to sing! It was so much fun to have our friends Tom and Amelia here last week! They sure did make some happy music! 

Miss Julie says that she lijes all different kinds of music, and that all music is a way of sharing emotions or experiences with people. It doesn’t matter what beat or style, it’s all doing the same thing. 

Personally,  I like banjo music. When Tom played the banjo I got that happy feeling in my paws and was dancing in my pew. You just can’t listen to somebody play a banjo and not smile. I like to dance around with my ears all floppy. It’s happy music. 

Miss Julie has a lot of favorite quotes from all kinds of important people that this little puppy has never heard of… and one of them is from a fella called Sidney Lanier, who wrote poems about a million years ago. He said music is “love in search of a word.” I am not sure what he meant by that but I think he meant that music can say what words sometime can’t.

This week we are celebrating the coming of Jesus. It’s a time for love and joy and all kinds of celebrations and fun. And I like to think about how happy Mary must have been to be chosen to be his mother.

When the angel told Mary  that she was to be the mother of the Savior of the world, she hurried to the home of her cousin Elizabeth. She just couldn't wait to tell someone. When Elizabeth heard the news, she exclaimed: "Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear!"

Mary was so happy that she broke into joyful praise to God and, even though she probably didn't actually sing, her words have come to be known as "Mary's Song." 

She said this: "My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant. From now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me -- holy is his name."  

The last candle we will light for Advent is the candle of love. Let’s join Mary and praise God for he has done great things for us. He has sent us the gift of love, his only begotten Son, that we might have eternal life. 

As much as I like getting presents, and giving presents, that is the greatest present anyone could ever get. 

No wonder Mary sang about it. 

I mean, don’t you sing when you’re happy? Don’t you want to share being happy with somebody? When I am happy and excited, I want everybody to know it so they can get happy and excited too! 

I hope everybody has the most happiest, funnest, singiest Christmas ever! 

Make some happy music!

Image with words: "'Til next time, Coop" and image of a dog's pawprint