Confirmation, more properly called "The Affirmation of Baptism", is the rite when the baptized publicly, formally affirm the promises that were made at their baptism, shown at left.
Classes are offered to prepare for this rite as there is a need for them.
Please contact for more information.
Pre-Confirmation: Grades 7
Students gain a deeper understanding of the Bible, of church teachings and beliefs, and of what it means to be a Christian living a God pleasing life in preparation for Confirmation. Class meets on Sunday morning.
Confirmation: Grade 8
Students study from Martin Luther's Small Catechism as they learn the specifics of the Lutheran faith in preparation for becoming full members of the congregation. The Affirmation of Baptism is done in remembrance of when the Holy Spirit first came to dwell in the hearts of the faithful. Class meets on Sunday morning.
Adult Confirmation
This multi-week class is for those seeking to become full Lutheran members of our congregation whether having been a member of another church denomination or unchurched. It covers the Bible, church teachings and beliefs, and the specifics of the Lutheran faith. Upon completion, adults will be confirmed during one of our services. Those who have never been baptized will also be baptized at that time too.